255 HSV
The Tokvam 255 HSV is a solidly built v-snowblower with large capacity. A large snowblower that can haul a lot of snow and that can be driven at higher speeds, on for example mountain roads and in cabin areas.
Advantages of Tokvam 255 HSV
- Hydraulic extension wings for both sides available as an option.
- Hardox in both impeller and impeller housing.
- Heavy Duty bearings that withstands 2-3 times as much stress as ordinary bearings.
- 80 mm fan shaft as the only v-snowblower in the market.
- Built in Strenx 650 steel with straight side walls.
255 HSV
The Tokvam 255 HSV is a solidly built v-snowblower with large capacity. A large snowblower that can haul a lot of snow and that can be driven at higher speeds, on for example mountain roads and in cabin areas.
255 HSV and carrier
Tokvam 255 HSV is suitable for large tractors from 130 hp and 250 hp.
Powerful and functional construction
The impeller is equipped with 6 feeding vanes strategically positioned for optimal feed to the impeller. For best flow of the snow, the impeller housing is placed as close to the ground as possible, with replaceable wear plate under the impeller housing protection. Large opening towards the impeller combined with straight and clean wings (for example welded bolt holes for wear steel) creates minimal resistance to snowflow into the draft fan. Draft fan has a shock absorbing solution that allows the impeller to absorb shock strain when driving into foreign elements. Spares both tractor, PTO shaft and snowblower.
Advantages of Tokvam 255 HSV
- Hydraulic extension wings for both sides available as an option.
- Hardox in both impeller and impeller housing.
- Heavy Duty bearings that withstands 2-3 times as much stress as ordinary bearings.
- 80 mm fan shaft as the only v-snowblower in the market.
- Built in Strenx 650 steel with straight side walls.